Monday, September 6, 2010

I'm Not a Player I Just Blog A Lot

Welcome to my first blog posting. I've been contemplating blogging for awhile now but finally decided to pull the trigger. A couple things made me change my mind, the highlight of my day at times is when I wonder onto my friend's blogs and they have a new posting. I get so excited to read their latest entries and I often reference back to them for recipes, songs or a laugh so I thought it might be fun to keep my own reference of things in one spot. The second reason is there is a shirt at Raygun that I love and I figured I couldn't buy the t-shirt until I have a blog.

Growing up I kept a journal from approximately 4th to 7th grade. It was a skill that we were taught in fourth grade, from one of my favorite teacher's Mrs. Holtgrewe (yes, Holt's mom) and it was something I always enjoyed doing. When I stumble upon my countless journals from years ago and read some of my entries I laugh out loud at how complicated I thought my life was at the time. Hopefully next time I'm home I can snag one and post an entry for your enjoyment. I'm sure you'll be thrilled to read about the code names we had for boys or how my day was so dramatic because I had a pop quiz. Also, my Grandma Pat keeps diary and she has since was 14, she doesn't miss a day and I so much enjoy reading through her entries, it is a little look into my family history. It is often a running joke that you better make it to all family gatherings or you won't make the "book." I hope my blog will be something I can look back on like my grandma does.

Happy Reading!


  1. Welcome! It's about time :) So excited to have you on my list, you'll love it!!!!!

  2. ¡¡Bienvendios!! So excited you've joined the blogosphere and can't wait to read more! xoxo

  3. Yessss... you've been added to my blogroll! Welcome to the internet?

  4. great first post and hopefully just one in many!
