Thursday, April 5, 2012

sporty spice

first the bike and now golf clubs...might as well start calling me sporty spice.

calista gave me the deal of the century last week, she sold me her old golf clubs for a bargain price.  thanks friend.

between my new bike and and now my own golf clubs, i'm starting to feel slightly "outdoorsy" and/or "athletic." two words i would have never thought would have ever described myself.

growing up i never really played sports because i was never aggressive enough, for example while playing 6th grade basketball i fouled a girl and then apologized profusely.  from that moment, i think my parents knew sports wouldn't be my thing.

 the good thing about the new "sports" i recently picked up is that you can do them by yourself, with a group of friends or with my lovely husband. 

hit me up if you're interested in swinging some clubs or going for a bike ride.


  1. New clubs too?!? Jealous!! I may need to try them out on our next golf outing!

  2. Don't forget about breaking your arm during the Football Game. Remember to stand out of the way when you hear someone shout 4!!!!

  3. Ah, you always make me smile, friend!
