Tuesday, March 20, 2012

when you're in a bind

last week i realized i had something green smack dab in the middle of my two front teeth.  i attempted to get it out by swishing water around in my mouth, no luck.  then i went onto using my finger nail, nope, still there. i went onto a paper towel, nada.  i asked my friend kate if she had any dental floss, no go.  but she did share a genius solution with me...use a piece of your hair.

what do you know, it worked perfectly, just like a piece of floss. 

i know it sounds gross but i had just washed my hair that morning and her brother is a doctor and he is the one that shared it with her so it can't be that bad for you, right?

you'll thank me later.


  1. Hi Stacy!! Thanks for visiting my blog El Invitado de Invierno yesterday. You wanted the raspberry mousse recipe, right? Just visit the page again and use the translator button on the right sidebar: http://invitadoinvierno.blogspot.com.es/2012/03/mousse-helada-de-frambuesa-decorada_19.html
    Happy cooking! ;)

  2. so funny! good call on the hair...although...mine's so baby fine, it would probably break and be added to the mess in b/w my teeth! :)
