Tuesday, July 19, 2011

holy hot

i sliced a jalapeno today for dinner and it turned into a disaster. for whatever reason the jalapeno did not react well with my skin and there was an instant burn.
my fingers still feel like they are on fire and it has been hours.

i turned to the world wide web for some home remedies to cure my pain and here is what i found to try:

sour cream
rubbing alcohol
lime juice

combined they sound like a tainted margarita but none of it was consumed and i'm sad to report none of it worked at least for the long term. the sour cream probably provided the most relief but i'm sure that is just because it was cold.

happy to accept any advice if for some horrible reason this ever happens again. also, slightly worried when i have to take out my contacts this evening.


  1. So you're saying that I shouldn't ask you to slice a jalapeno tonight? :) Hope you're feeling better!!

  2. ouch!
    alton brown always reminds to wear gloves when slices peppers. i never do, and it doesn't seem to cause any problems, until i later rub my eyes or something and then....BURN!

    was that rubbing alcohol left over from the IA/ISU temporary tattoos?
