Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Numbers Are In

After a month of committing to plan out meals, spend less at the grocery store and eat out only twice a week we saved $249.71. We spent a total of $415.03 on food in the month of March, compared to $664.74 in February...and hello, there are three more days in March.

Not only did I save money but planning out menus was fun and evenings were less stressful because I knew what I was going to make when I got home instead of searching through my cupboards trying to come up with something on the fly.

April might be more difficult with a move, more visitors and a vacation planned, but I'm always up for a challenge.


  1. congrats! thats means more money to spend on me!!

  2. Guess it's bread and water next weekend. If it rains catch the rain water for us to drink. It will be cheaper.

    I am most impressed with the records you kept.

  3. I have a good storybook about rainwater soup I could bring up as well. Good Job!!
