Wednesday, September 14, 2011


i saw contagion this past weekend and really enjoyed the flick.  i loved how it was different than any other movie i've seen, typically i don't care for these types of movies. it kept me very engaged, was very fast-paced and had a ton of star power. but the reason i liked the movie so much is because i could see how a contagious disease like the one featured in the film could take over the world and cause  people to do crazy things (don't worry i'm not giving anything away with that description, i tend to ruin surprises so i am being extra careful.)

unfortunately the movie has turned me into a slight germaphobe. as soon as i walked out of the theater i found myself searching for hand sanitizer. then monday someone sneezed near me while i was warming up my lunch and a look of horror came over my face. i find myself avoiding handrails and doorknobs. i have also tried every hand sanitizer dispenser at work and haven't found a single one that had anything left in it.  i also plan on getting my flu shot early, maybe you should too.  :)

i recommend checking it out but beware it could change your entire thought process on contagious diseases. i'm sure this new phobia of mine will fade with time but for now i will be washing my hands excessively.


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