Monday, March 7, 2011

Food Savings

A girl I went to college with stated on her blog that she and her husband spent $700 a month on food. That total was outrageous in my mind and I thought there is no way I spend that much, well after looking through my online bank statement I discovered in the month of February J & I spent $664.74 on food. This is an insane amount and my goal is to cut that number in half.

One way I plan on chipping away at that total is to plan out a weekly menu and to spend less than $50.00 a week at the grocery store. This meal plan should help on the crazy random spending sprees at Hy-Vee and the tendency to eat out because "I don't know what to cook when I get home."

Grocery total for week one: $51.46. (Closer than I thought I would get the first week out!)

Here is this week's menu:

Monday - Taco salad with black beans and corn
Tuesday - Tavern sandwiches (very similar to a Maid-Rite), sweet potato fries & cottage cheese
Wednesday - English muffin pizzas, jello with fruit
Thursday - Beef roast with potatoes and carrots
Friday & Saturday - Let's get real...I know I'll eat out at least twice a week.
Sunday - Homemade pasta with ricotta and graziano sausage