Wednesday, January 11, 2012


one of my very favorite things in the entire world are my grandma pat's chocolate chip cookies.  i can't think of too many things that are much better.  i would like to say they are just your basic chocolate chip cookie...but they are so much more.  they are the perfect combination of soft and chewy.

when i went off to college every time i would come home my grandma would have a bag of cookies, crispies (that's a blog for another day, but essentially they are rolled out cinnamon roll that are cut thin and baked until crispy) and a roll of quarters for me.  well i am long out of college but my grandma has continued providing cookies to jared and me every time she see us.

it would be very easy to sit down and eat all the cookies in one sitting but i try to savor them for as long as possible by storing them in the freezer.  i'm sad to report my christmas stash ran out last night.

i think another reason i love these cookies so much are because they remind me of one of my first memories in life. growing up whenever we would have a family gathering, i so looked forward to it. but one of the best moments was when it came time to leave.  my great grandpa floyd would hand each family their own ice cream bucket full of cookies with everyone's names sharpied on it. they were the best cookies and i'm so glad my grandma has continued on with the tradition (except the ice cream bucket has turned into a ziploc.)

i wish i could share the recipe but i have no clue what it is. she tells me there is nothing special to it, so it must be the two scoops of love. 


  1. I do know the recipe did not come of the Tollhouse bag.

  2. I just finished my cashews from Costco that you got me in October.

  3. way to milk the cashews!
    cookies are super good. love eating them out of the freezer, crunchy chocolate chips.
