Monday, January 9, 2012


i know i'm about a week or so late for sharing my new year's resolutions but better late than never.   i really have never done a resolution before but thought what better time than now to reevaluate and focus on a few things, so here it goes.

1. love more -- there is always room for improvement here and i'm no where close to perfect.  i could do a better job of showing my family and friends that i love them. but where it gets a lot harder is when it comes to complete strangers and people who drive me oh so crazy.

2. get more involved in my church and community -- i go to a big church and live in a big city.  it can be easy to sit back and not get involved.  but no longer, i'm ready to jump in and give back.

3. learn something new -- i'm not talking about random factoids, i want to learn something completely brand new.  not sure what it will be yet but i will make sure to report back. 

happy twenty-twelve!