Sunday, October 30, 2011


tonight was the first go around of trick-or-treating in our house or "beggar's night" as they like to call it in dsm. we had just under 75 kids stop by our door step for piece of candy. rachel and nicole came over and were great helpers in the process.  nicole kept a tally of the number of kids while rach kept a look out. 

the highlight of the evening was a boy who rang our doorbell with a joke, "how did the butcher introduce his wife?"..."meet patty."  hilarious. i love silly jokes like that.  i rewarded him with two pieces of candy for his wittiness.

the low point was two boys (way too old to be trick-or-treating,) one dressed as michael jackson-thriller days and the other one as i have no idea.  i greeted them at the door with a bowl full of candy and they asked, "don't you have a can of pop or something?"  i was beyond annoyed and followed up with a "no, but you can have an almond joy (my least favorite candy out of the bunch.)"  he rebuttled with "do you even like almond joy?" and i lied responding with "yes, it's my favorite."  those punk kids should not have even been out there but it left us with entertainment for the rest of the evening coming up with responses i should have said instead, here are just a few that i remember:

"no, but you can have some propofol."

"no, but you can have a can of shut the hell up."

"you should just beat it."

"that was not a thrilling costume."

"that was just bad."

"is your friend just your little pyt?"

happy halloween all, hope you're enjoying your left over candy like me.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the fun evening and the delicious dinner! I'm definitely bookmarking that recipe!
