Thursday, June 30, 2011
sam b
Sunday, June 26, 2011
cutting the grass
j-rod was busy working today and mentioned the lawn needed mowed so i decided to help. i was very nervous at first but eventually got the hang of it. turning was definitely the hardest part. it has a self-propel feature and as you can tell by this video, it often got slightly out of control. it reminded me of when you see dogs walking their owners, that was the mower and me today. the mower almost went straight into the fence and into my sister's car but thankfully i stopped it just in time. also, i steered clear of any mailboxes as my luck with those hasn't been too great lately.
menu posting
tuesday: out with coworkers
wednesday: greek linguine, salad with greek dressing & grilled pesto bread
thursday: creamy avocado chicken salad & cilantro tomatillo dressing salad
friday: dinner at sbroccco to celebrate j-rod's birthday...a couple days late.
saturday/sunday: it's a holiday weekend so we'll see where it leads us.
we have a full week planned and lots to celebrate, i can't wait!
also, a couple of these recipes were passed along to me, thanks for always sharing your ideas.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
project garden : update
a picture is worth a thousand words? that use to be my spinach. my garden has been eaten to shreds by those silly rabbits. i have such a feeling of rage against them that i even have my friends chasing after them in mid-conversation. this week i have pulled out all the stops, hoping to get rid of all rabbits so i can start over for a fall harvest. no, i didn't buy a bb gun, let's get real, i'm pretty sure i'd hurt myself before i'd ever hit a rabbit. i lined our perimeter with moth balls so our yard does reek of an old person's closet. then i followed that up by sprinkling bone meal around the bases of all my plants and flowers that are left. this weekend i hope to plant some marigolds, apparently the scent also helps in keeping those terrible fury creatures away.
i'm open to suggestions if you know of something i haven't tried yet....
thankfully my onions, tomatoes and anything i had in a container are still doing okay including the herbs...looks like i might be making a lot of salsa at this rate.
Monday, June 20, 2011
recipe recap
my least favorite dish of the week was lemon shrimp stir-fry with edamame. while this dish was fun to make and i loved the side of steamed edamame with soy, overall it just fell short of the mark. i thought it lacked distinct flavors and any wow-factor.
the best dish hands-down was the pretzel crusted chicken with mustard cheddar cheese sauce from Rachael Ray's 365: No Repeats cookbook. It was full of unique flavors and different textures. It was easy to make, but definitely took longer than 30 minutes. I would also cut the cheese sauce in half as we had a ton leftover.
there wasn't a link to the recipe on foodnetwork so you can find it below, in case you're interested in trying it for yourself.
Pretzel Crusted Chicken w/ Mustard-Cheddar Sauce
4 whole skinless, boneless chicken breasts, pounded to 1/4 inch thickness
1-5oz. bag of salted pretzels, any shape, blend until fine in food processor or blender
1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves, chopped
2 eggs, beaten with a splash of water in shallow dish
vegetable oil, for frying
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 cups milk
2 cups grated sharp yellow cheddar cheese
1 cup grated extra-sharp white cheddar (I had to go to Trader Joe's to find this)
2 heaping tablespoons spicy brown mustard (I use Gulden's, my fav)
Coarse salt
4 cups fresh flat leaf parsley, chopped
1/4 small yellow onion, minced
1 large sour dill pickle,chopped
1 lemon, cut into wedges for serving
Prepare pretzel coating by adding to shallow dish like a pie plate and add the thyme and some ground black pepper. Dredge the pounded chicken in the pretzel mix, then egg, then pretzel again. Fry in batches 3-4 minutes per side or until fully cooked.
For the Sauce: Melt butter in a medium sauce pot over medium heat. Add the flour and cook for one minute. Whisk in the milk. When the milk comes to a bubble, add in the cheeses, mustard and stir with a wooden spoon. Season with little salt and remove from heat.
To serve, transfer a chicken breast to each plate, spoon sauce over. Mix the chopped parsley, pickle and onion together to make a homemade relish. Top it off with homemade relish and a squeeze of lemon.
On the side, I made an apple-cider vinaigrette coleslaw.
Delish meal, can't wait to make it again.
menu posting
sunday: greg & les invited us over for a delicious meal, grilled pork chops, potatoes and veggies.
monday: chef curtis stone's grilled t-bone steak with chimichurri sauce & baked potatoes (this was on the menu for sunday but it got moved since we weren't home.)
tuesday: dinner out (JH is hanging with teddy and i'm spending the evening with NH)
wednesday: pasta, peas and pesto with grilled bread
thursday: Mojo's on 86th (i get to check another one off the top 100 and we have a Groupon.)
friday/saturday/sunday: bring on the family reunion.
A man from North Liberty kept having packages stolen from his doorstep, they were never of much value but the delivery companies would always have proof of delivery. He decided to set up a webcam in his front window so the next time something went missing, he would have some insight as to what was going on. Well his webcam has paid off. He had a ordered a laptop cover and it was scheduled to be delivered on Friday, he got home and what do you know, the package was missing. He played back his recording and found his neighbor pulling his car up, grab the package and place it in his trunk.
How awkward would it be to continue to live next to this person?
This story reminded me of one of my most memorable stories while at TM.
A customer called in to say that their tickets never arrived in the mail. Their account was marked and they were told it wouldn't be a problem the night of the show. The customer went to the box office the night of the event and had their tickets reprinted. The ticket taker scanned their tickets at the door and they were stopped with a warning message, their tickets had already been used. They explained what happened and were let in the door. They found their seats and sure enough someone was sitting in their seats....who could it be? Their neighbors. Shame on the neighbors for stealing the tickets but how dumb can you be to sit in the same seats?
Whatever happened to "love your neighbor as yourself."
Friday, June 17, 2011
the dash
it was over two hours long with seven guest speakers and a sermon like i had never heard before, i honestly found myself taking notes.
one of my favorite parts of the service was a poem that was read by linda ellis. i haven't stopped thinking about it since, so i thought i would share:
I read of a man who stood to speak
At the funeral of a friend
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
From the beginning to the end
He noted that first came the date of her birth
And spoke the following date with tears,
But he said what mattered most of all
Was the dash between those years
For that dash represents all the time
That she spent alive on earth.
And now only those who loved her
Know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not how much we own;
The cars, the house, the cash,
What matters is how we live and love
And how we spend our dash.
So think about this long and hard.
Are there things you’d like to change?
For you never know how much time is left,
That can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough
To consider what’s true and real
And always try to understand
The way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger,
And show appreciation more
And love the people in our lives
Like we’ve never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect,
And more often wear a smile
Remembering that this special dash
Might only last a little while.
So, when your eulogy is being read
With your life’s actions to rehash
Would you be proud of the things they say
About how you spent your dash?
outdoor movies
when we were in Scottsdale a few months ago, we found a shopping district that also offered outdoor movies/to-go dining specials, how fun! we were able to catch another one of my favs, Grease. it definitely made me jealous that we don't live in a warmer climate where you could do that all year round.
i did a random google search today to find out if the Art Center had this year's schedule posted but found something even better, a whole list of places that offer movies all summer long around the metro.
here are some pics from our outing last year at the Art Center:
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
couch dilemma
i have a small, well maybe i should say a large, problem. let me explain. our neighbors graciously gave us this couch a few weeks ago. --------->
the intention was to put it in our basement and after getting it home, we realized it doesn't fit down the stairs.
i don't want to part with it! it is so comfy and as soon as i sat down, i was in love.
geometry was never my strong suit so i don't think i can quite grasp the problem that's on our hands. i've probably asked jared 50 times, "are you sure it won't fit down the stairs? can you try again?" his response is always, "no, it's not going downstairs unless we cut it in half."
can someone please help me solve this problem? i think it can be done, it might just take a little creative thinking.
*and in case i needed any more evidence, my wall really looks pink in this photo*
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
menu posting
monday: grilled chicken caesar salad with toasted bread
tuesday: cheese tortellini with pesto baguette
wednesday: lemon shrimp stir-fry with edamame
thursday: dinner out with a friend - location TBA
friday: we were invited to join a supper club and this month's stop is to Mi Patria, it is an Ecuadorian restaurant in wdm. can't wait!
saturday: pretzel crusted chicken with cheddar mustard sauce & apple cider vinaigrette coleslaw
sunday: chef curtis stone's grilled t-bone steak with chimichurri sauce (what can i say the commercial worked on me) & baked potatoes
crazy weekend
Friday: Relay for Life. J-rod and I headed to Indianola to participate in Relay for Life with the Sievers' family. Our team had a pool party theme, which might have been more fun if it were about 20 degrees warmer. Jared was a sport and rocked a bikini for the Mrs. Relay lap trying to raise a little extra money for our team. While he didn't get the most money out of all the dressed up dudes, he did bring in almost $60.00.
We've participated in this event in the past, it is a fun way to raise money for a great cause. I even managed to take home one of the silent auction items. Pretty excited about a dozen Funaro's cinnamon rolls, a pedicure and the rest of my beach basket winnings.
Saturday: PBC. We have had so much fun on BC the past two years, we decided to do a practice run through on Saturday. We had a great time and while it could have been a little warmer, we made the most of it and a few managed to get quite the sunburn. Oh and I'd like to add I'm sure we had the best food on the water.
Sunday: Family Reunion. While most might cringe at the idea of spending a whole day at a family reunion, I had such a great time. I hadn't seen my extended family since Christmas and was so excited to see them. I also got to see great aunts, uncles and cousins whom I hadn't seen in years. We couldn't have asked for a better day for a picnic. And you should have seen the spread, we had a dessert table that was as large as the main entree one.
We also had the chance to meet up with Jared's parents at my favorite ice cream place EVER, The Dairy Mart. I've been going since I was a child and ordered my usual, an upside down strawberry-vanilla twist cone.
Monday: Day of Rest. Since our weekend was so crazy busy we decided to take Monday off and get some much needed rest. I was able to get some reading done, watch a movie, run some errands, grab a Big Gulp and get our sprinkler system set up (not that it's needed anytime soon because I feel all it does is rain anymore.)
Friday, June 10, 2011
teenage dream
Isn't he just adorable? Four-year-old, Kellen Sarmiento, has already gained the attention of Darren Criss and the rest of the Glee crew.
Supposedly there are already talks about him making a guest appearance this upcoming season, not sure how they will swing that but "stranger things have happened."
dam to dam
But either way, this time around was a lot more fun and apparently the paparazzi was after me because there are way too many pictures on the Jolesch website. And I think the reason there are more pictures of myself than anyone else is because I run so friggin' slow that they were able to capture me while the rest of my team flew by them.
And my favorite quote of the day came from my Dad, "At least you look like a runner," said with love of course.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
gold status

I've reached Gold Level status at Starbucks...what does that mean you may ask? It means I spend too much money there. But either way I am so excited! I've been working on it since January.
In all actuality if you do go to Starbucks it is a great program and it is so easy! Instead of paying with cash or a debit card, you pay with a gift card and it tracks all your purchases. Just for registering your card, you get a free drink on your birthday. Once you buy 5 drinks (green level) with your card, you get to add free extra syrups and milk upgrades, free refills on tea and coffee along with a free beverage with any whole bean purchase. When you get to 30 drinks (gold level) you get all the perks that come with the other levels along with a free beverage every 15 drinks and my favorite part a personalized gold Starbucks card.
I'm beginning to feel a little like George Clooney from Up in the Air right now...
And don't you worry I've done the math, it equates one drink or so a week since January.
30 drinks x $4.19 = $125.70.
If you remember back, I received almost $150 in Starbucks gift cards for Christmas, so I technically haven't spent any of my own money yet.
summer games
In the summer after 7th grade I went a "mission trip" to Wesley Woods in Indianola. I spent the week chipping old paint off metal chairs so they could be painted again. Looking back now, I see that as a great learning experience but at the time I thought it was lame and saw all these other kids, aka cute boys, running around and playing games. I wanted to go to that camp the next summer and after asking around I discovered those kids were attending Summer Games. I talked two of my friends into going with me and we signed up for the following summer.
I didn't know what I was in for. I thought I signed up for a week of fun and flirting but instead that week changed my life. August 3rd, 1998 I became a Christian and learned my life is worth so much more.
I spent 5 years at Summer Games and they were the best summers of my life. Summer Games taught me a lot, it gave me a confidence, friendships and most importantly a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
menu posting
sunday: blue cheese stuffed burgers with red onion & spinach and skillet wrinkled potatoes with cilantro pesto
monday: BLT's and romaine spinach salad
tuesday: leftovers
wednesday: thai chicken tacos & garden salad with fresh french dressing
thursday: grilled chile-lime shrimp & toasted couscous with grilled mango and zucchini
friday: relay for life in Indianola
saturday: pre-BC '11
sunday: family reunion - lots of delicious food and hopefully leftovers to bring back
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Not until I moved to West Des Moines had I ever seen or heard of a squinny or as I thought they were called "squinnties" aka ground squirrels. Pretty sure these creatures didn't exist in Mount Pleasant.
I'm not afraid of regular squirrels and growing up I was a fan of Alvin and the Chipmunks but for whatever reason I am scared to death of their much smaller, more agile relative. And they seem to really like our new house, I often see them hanging out on our back brick patio and near our front steps.
I googled how to get rid of them and have decided I'm stuck with them. None of their methods would ever work for me. I'm not on board with getting a cat, trapping them in a cage or using rat poison.
And in case you were wondering I made JH pick out the picture for my blog as I was cringing in my seat looking at their mug shots.
Friday, June 3, 2011

I heard about Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams through a show I love on FN called "Best Thing I Ever Ate." The theme that episode was Hot & Spicy Foods, so I was obviously interested but became even more intrigued when Ted Allen was talking about queen city cayenne ice cream from Jeni's. I just had to try it, while I begged JH for a road trip but I knew a visit to the buckeye state would not be in my future. I went online and found out they delivered but of course it was for a pretty penny. Jeni's is known for their unique flavors and high quality ingredients.
Thankfully I was able to try Jeni's without even leaving DSM. One of my clients was traveling to Columbus for a wedding last year and I told her she should try Jeni's so I sent her the link and she called me almost immediately afterwards and told me she discovered through their website that they they sold it at Gateway Market! She was then gracious enough to bring me two pints the next day and I was in love.
I've tried a few flavors and hands-down my favorite is Salty Caramel, it is so good! My brother-in-law has been in Columbus for work this past week, so of course I had to pass on the good news and yesterday he sent me this picture:

I can't wait to get to Jeni's someday and check out the place for myself, I might have to trick Jared into an IA/OSU football game so I can get some ice cream.
Unfortunately, I called Gateway yesterday to see if they had any of the cayenne ice cream in because I have yet to try that flavor and they no longer carry Jeni's...I think I might have to call and beg them to rethink that.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Stop the press...I've been waiting for a new Justin Timberlake album for years because you know what comes with a new album, a new tour. JT is featured in the latest issue of Vanity Fair quoted saying “I wouldn’t say I’m not going to put out another [album]. I would say that would be a bad bet, if you were betting. But I could see myself only doing one more big tour.”
What?!? Sad day. I get it he has his own clothing line, tequilla and apparently is featured in every movie coming out this fall but I want some new music!
Looks like I have to keep waiting but I can tell you if there is another tour, I will be there- I'm still dreaming of the last one.
And in case you were wondering, this picture was in poster form on my wall all through college.
new kicks

On Monday I purchased some new running shoes and I am pretty jazzed about it. It has been years since I've had a new pair and with the Dam to Dam just a few days away, I am looking forward to having a new shoe.
I went with the Asics Gel-Cumulus 12. Two of my runner friends rock Asics and I figured I could only hope to run as fast as them, so might as well start with their shoes.
I asked the kid working at The Running Room if they would make me run faster and he responded with "well how fast do you run now?" Clearly he did not understand my humor.
This morning was the first run out with them and while I really like them, they did leave me with a terrible blister that will have to be nursed for a few days.
Bring it on Dam to Dam, Team Hot Sundae is about to dominate.