Wednesday, June 8, 2011

summer games

I've been reflecting back on my experience at Summer Games a lot this week. The founder and director, Stan Wierson passed away on Friday and I can't help think of how my life would be different if it wasn't for Stan and the vision God gave him to start Summer Games.

In the summer after 7th grade I went a "mission trip" to Wesley Woods in Indianola. I spent the week chipping old paint off metal chairs so they could be painted again. Looking back now, I see that as a great learning experience but at the time I thought it was lame and saw all these other kids, aka cute boys, running around and playing games. I wanted to go to that camp the next summer and after asking around I discovered those kids were attending Summer Games. I talked two of my friends into going with me and we signed up for the following summer.

I didn't know what I was in for. I thought I signed up for a week of fun and flirting but instead that week changed my life. August 3rd, 1998 I became a Christian and learned my life is worth so much more.

I spent 5 years at Summer Games and they were the best summers of my life. Summer Games taught me a lot, it gave me a confidence, friendships and most importantly a relationship with Jesus Christ.


  1. this post just made me cry. love it. love you!

  2. VERY cool! i'd love to hear more about it and your experience!

  3. it's crazy to think how it's all worked out, it blows my mind. i'd love to share more, it was such an awesome experience.
