i have a small, well maybe i should say a large, problem. let me explain. our neighbors graciously gave us this couch a few weeks ago. --------->
the intention was to put it in our basement and after getting it home, we realized it doesn't fit down the stairs.
i don't want to part with it! it is so comfy and as soon as i sat down, i was in love.
geometry was never my strong suit so i don't think i can quite grasp the problem that's on our hands. i've probably asked jared 50 times, "are you sure it won't fit down the stairs? can you try again?" his response is always, "no, it's not going downstairs unless we cut it in half."
can someone please help me solve this problem? i think it can be done, it might just take a little creative thinking.
*and in case i needed any more evidence, my wall really looks pink in this photo*
Cut the legs off, Jared did that on another cough if I remember!!