Sunday, June 26, 2011

cutting the grass

well today was a first, i mowed the lawn. growing up we weren't allowed anywhere near the mower because of one little incident that i'll never forget. my dad went away on a business trip and told us to ask the neighbor to mow while he was gone. we didn't listen very well, my mom, sister and i decided we could figure it out on our own. when we went to start the mower we discovered it was out of gas. so of course, we found the gas can and filled it up. turns out we put the gas where the oil goes and there went the mower. from that day on, we were not allowed anywhere near it ever again.

j-rod was busy working today and mentioned the lawn needed mowed so i decided to help. i was very nervous at first but eventually got the hang of it. turning was definitely the hardest part. it has a self-propel feature and as you can tell by this video, it often got slightly out of control. it reminded me of when you see dogs walking their owners, that was the mower and me today. the mower almost went straight into the fence and into my sister's car but thankfully i stopped it just in time. also, i steered clear of any mailboxes as my luck with those hasn't been too great lately.